Sunday, July 24, 2011

From US to Israel for Jewish education - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

I am officially famous.
I spoke with a reporter on the flight to Israel a few weeks ago when we made aliyah about our reasons for doing so and the article was just published in the English section of Ynet, here. The article was about people making aliyah to avoid the high cost of Jewish education in the U.S. While that wasn't our motivation, it definitely is a nice benefit.

It is interesting, however, to see the debate raging in the comments section with some people accusing the new olim of coming here to take advantage of the free tuition at the expense of the taxpayers. I think they overlook the fact that these new olim constitute a new segment of the tax base and will contribute just as much as the native citizens of Israel (who have been here, for the most part, for all of about 80 years.)

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