Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Life in Israel: Law Proposal: Strollers On Buses

Reposted from: Life in Israel: Law Proposal: Strollers On Buses:

If you were to get on a bus with a baby stroller and you have to either take the baby out and fold it up or else pay for an additional ride. Often you will see mothers, already burdened with kids and bags, start juggling everything they have including the baby they are removing from the stroller, all while the bus is lurching forward, in order to avoid being required to pay for the additional ride.

A law was proposed that would put an end to stroller-based-discrimination. An extra ride on public transportation would not need to be paid for, and it would also be illegal to prevent a stroller from being brought into a public building or area. It has happened numerous times that people with strollers were prevented from entering stores, libraries and other public places.

The law was initiated by some students who were working on a project of human rights. They include in their explanation that the folded up strollers usually don't take up so much less space than when the stroller is open, and the proposal is an attempt to protect the rights of the parents and the children.

The students initiated it, but it was proposed by MK Uri Maklev of UTJ, with a variety of other MKs signed on to the bill giving it a broad consensus that almost ensures it will pass when it comes to the vote.
(source: Israel HaYom)

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