Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Networking and Crowdfunding on the Evening's Agenda

Tonight there are two interesting events on the capital city's agenda. 

The first is a networking event organized by Joe van Zwaren, Hanan Brand, and Na'ama Shamir of the networking group Capital J. The schedule is:
19:30 - Networking & Beer
20:00 - Guest Speaker: Dov Moran- engineer, inventor and businessman. founder and chairman of M-Systems, which invented the USB Flash Drive and was acquired by SanDisk Corp for $1.6B. Previously, chairman of Tower Semiconductor & Modu.
20:45 - Startup Open Mic
21:00 - More Networking & Beer (Special surprise!)

The second event is an investment road show for Sky Saver, maker of a series of devices for enabling emergency exit from tall buildings. It begins at 8 PM at the Leonardo Plaza on King George Street in Jerusalem. Here is the schedule:
  • Technical Perspectives on SkySaver; Yaakov Nakash, Vice President of R&D, former Chief of Technology in the IDF
  • Terror Threats in NY and Financial Implications; Mudi Dzikansky, Vice President of PR, former NYPD representative in Israel
  • The Advantages of Using Crowd Funding; Jen Ranaudo, CPA, CFO
  • Marketing Strategies for Company Products; Lou Krupkin, Vice President of Marketing, former FBI officer
  • Profit Strategies of Exit; Chaim Romano, Chairman of Advisory Committee, former CEO of El Al
  • Military Uses for SkySaver; Yoav Barzili, former Commander of Special Forces in the Israeli Police Force


  1. While I understand the need and the concept for the Sky Saver- it seems mighty slow. One person at a time in a building on fire. The odds don't look too good.

    1. But if every apartment has just one, that saves a lot of people.
