Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Repost: Israel Hayom | High Court petitioned to stop state funding of yeshiva students

Nongovernmental organizations argue that following expiration of Tal Law, students are no longer eligible to receive state funds, which amounted to some 30 million shekels ($7.4 million) per month • Petitioners claim that since Tal Law has expired, there is no longer a legal basis to exempt the yeshiva students from military service.

Zvi Harel

Ultra-Orthodox men near the Tel Hashomer IDF Induction Center. [Archives] With the Tal Law no longer in effect, the fate of Yeshiva funding is up in the air. | Photo credit: Moshe Shai

The government should stop funding 54,000 yeshiva students who can no longer claim exemption from military service following the expiration of the Tal Law according to a petition filed Tuesday with the High Court of Justice.

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