Sunday, October 14, 2012

Breaking News: Law Librarian Reveals that Lawyers Steal

The Bar Association library in Jerusalem has a sign near the front door that is typically ignored by patrons and librarians, save for one of the latter. The sign says that you must store your bag or briefcase by the front door. So today, I was reading in the library with my bag at my side for a couple of hours without incident until the Enforcer arrived. She went around telling everyone to place their bags in the cubbies by the front door.
"Can I ask what the reason for this rule is?" I innocently inquired.
"I don't need to give you a reason, that's what the sign says," she spat back, almost making me regret my boldness.
"No, you don't need to give me a reason," I replied, "I'm just wondering."
"You want to know why? Because people steal!"
"Even lawyers??" I asked with mock incredulity.
"Yes, even lawyers," she sneered, shaking her head at my "naivete".

A few minutes later she approached me to elaborate. "You're not a lawyer here yet, so let me explain something to you. Stealing is the least of the problems we have with lawyers in this country."
As if I've never taken Legal Ethics... or read the newspaper.

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