Besides the really cool desk calendar I saw in my Google Reader (pictured above), I saw some interesting labor law questions from datafax.co.il (although the website is not working for me.)
Since this year Rosh Hashana falls out on Thursday and Friday, most people have an extra day off from work (namely Thursday, because Friday is usually a day off anyway, see my earlier post on that here.)
Does a worker get paid for Thursday, even though it is a holiday?
A worker who gets paid monthly would still get his normal pay even though he is working one day less during the month. A worker who is paid a daily wage however will only get paid for Thursday if he has been employment at the same place for the last three months and as long as he works the day before and after (Sunday?) the holiday- unless he has permission to miss those days as well. If there is a collective bargaining agreement or other agreement, that may take precedence over these rules.
The Hours of Work and Rest Law states that a work day shall be no longer than 8 hours. (There are exceptions to this rule, of course.) On the day before a holiday, the work day shall be no longer than 7 hours.
Since this year, Yom Kippur falls on Shabbos, does a worker get paid for the holiday anyway?
No. I assume that since the worker never generally gets paid for Shabbos, he does not get holiday pay for this Shabbos.
I will hopefully add more to this page next week.
Have a happy, healthy, and sweet new year everyone!